Freemasons are under the same civil laws as ll citizens, and they apply stringent criteria to themselves than the law demands. Thus, one found guilty of a crime […]
How much does it cost to join Freemasonry?
The cost of joining the Order is associated with the cost of running it. The total cost will depend on each lodge, but it should never exceed what […]
Can you be a freemason if you are… an atheist?
Yes. We do not discriminate on any irrelevant grounds. The reference to the “Great Architect of the Universe” (formerly the “Supreme Being” found in the French Constitution) does […]
Will a judge show leniency to me if we are both freemasons?
A judge should be impartial, and Freemasons should be law abiding. So your membership as a Freemason would not tilt the balance of Justice one way or the […]
What are the advantages or privileges of being a freemason?
None other than fraternally working towards improving yourself, be of service to your fellow women and men, and search for the truth. There are no financial incentive in […]
Is membership a secret?
No. And Yes… No, not for you No, it is not one of the “secret” of Freemasonry. You can reveal your membership to whom you want, when you […]
Can you be a freemason if you are… gay?
Yes. We do not discriminate on any irrelevant grounds. Some Freemason orders may feel that their traditions warrant such discrimination, but ours feels that such discrimination is counter […]
Can you be a freemason if you are… not well-off?
Yes. We do not discriminate on any irrelevant grounds. Some Freemason orders may feel that their traditions warrant such discrimination, but ours feels that such discrimination is counter […]
Can you be a freemason if you are… religious?
Yes. We do not discriminate on any irrelevant grounds. Some Freemason orders may feel that their traditions warrant such discrimination, but ours feels that such discrimination is counter […]
Can you be a freemason if you are… a politician?
Yes. We do not discriminate on any irrelevant grounds. Some Freemason orders may feel that their traditions warrant such discrimination, but ours feels that such discrimination is counter […]