To become a member of Lodge Elizabeth Saint Leger you must be over the age of 18, of good moral character, and be interested in Freemasonry and self development.
Freemasonry is a life-long commitment. It may take a few years to pass from being a candidate for initiation to being a master mason, and you will have tasks in between before you can progress. Once you have completed the craft degrees you are encouraged to continue to be of service to the lodge. The lessons of freemasonry don’t end, only deepen over years of reflection and practice.
Freemasonry is a commitment to live ethically and actively embody masonic principles. Freemasonry isn’t a spectators sport. In the world it is a set of principles applied, and in the lodge it is a spirit of involvement and service. Freemasonry is something you do and live. You must be willing to be actively involved.
Freemasonry isn’t for everyone, and not every person is a good fit for the lodge. Candidates may at any point withdraw their interest in membership if they find it’s not for them. The lodge may also, without prejudice, decline an application for membership if it is felt the candidate is not suited either to freemasonry or to the specific culture of the lodge. Declined candidates are free to pursue their interest through another lodge or masonic organisation.
We are interested in quality, not quantity, so ask yourself what you can offer to us as an organisation.
So how do you apply for membership?
First you contact us, telling us about yourself including who you are, where you are, your age, perhaps your life situation such as family and work, your interests and what motivates you to ask about membership. You will then be contacted and an application process will begin. This includes filling out an application, an interview process and you will be invited to social events to meet members. This process usually takes a few months. At the end of the process, the application is voted on by the membership. If your application is successful and you choose to continue you will be invited to be initiated into freemasonry.
Existing masons can also transfer from other masonic lodges and organisations. If you are a freemason interested in our work and culture, please get in touch. The process for recognition varies depending on your initiating body, but we are open to fraternal conversation to explore the possibilities.
The longest journey starts with a single step. Contact us if you have questions or you would like to apply.